Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick -- PGS Seminar Speaker

We have been advertising the Pinellas Genealogy Society 2012 Seminar coming up on 11 February for some time now, so you are probably aware that Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick is the primary speaker and will make four presentations throughout the day.

But did you know that Colleen, in addition to being an author and lecturer, is also a working forensic genealogist? If you would like some insight to such work, you can check out her website at where she posts information about her casework, and her blog at where she posts ongoing developments.

Colleen's presentations to us will draw in part from her cases, thus giving us a unique mixture of old and new, genealogy and science.

You can get more information about the PGS seminar and a registration form at our website:

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