Friday, October 29, 2021

PGS Event for the Week of 1 - 6 November 2021

 All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at

You must pre-register for each of these events. This may be done at the time of the event or earlier. Do so by following the links given after each class description below. After registering, you will receive an email with another link to use to join the event at the specified date/time.

PGS continues the series of six classes tailored toward beginners. The fifth class is on 3 November described below. The last class in the series will be on how to use and will be presented on 10 November.

Classes for the upcoming week.

Wednesday, 3-Nov-21 at 1:00 PM. search techniques for getting the most from this huge collection of databases. Fortin

Register in advance for this meeting:

Thursday, 4-Nov-21 at 7:00 PM. DNA Basics I (Ethnicity): This one-hour class defines DNA, gives examples of DNA inheritance patterns and discusses the different types of DNA tests and the companies that provide them.  It gives ideas for the best ways to make the most of your DNA dollars and how you might want to "target test" some of your relatives.  In addition, the class provides information on the ethnicity estimates provided by each company and how you might use them in your research. Luce/Manning

Register in advance for this meeting: 

Saturday, 6-Nov-21 at 10:00 AM. Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software.  Bryan

Register in advance for this meeting:

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Index of Thousands of Burials in Brunswick County, Virginia Available Online

 This is a collection of burials in Brunswick County, Virginia. The main database is accessed by clicking the "Index" tab at the top of the landing page. That takes you to an alphabetized list of names with the associated cemetery. Church, community, and family cemeteries are all represented in the listing.

Several other tabs are also located at the top of the landing page and are worth exploring. They give you a filtered list of cemeteries by type, veterans, and a map showing the location of all of the cemeteries in the collection.

check it out at:

Friday, October 22, 2021

PGS Events for the Week of 25-30 October 2021

All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at


You must pre-register for each of these events. This may be done at the time of the event or earlier. Do so by following the links given after each class description below. After registering, you will receive an email with another link to use to join the event at the specified date/time.

 PGS continues the series of six classes tailored toward beginners. The fourth class is on 27 October described below. Further classes will be on successive Wednesdays starting at 1:00 pm. Class titles are: Introduction to Genealogy, Key Records in Genealogy Research, Internet Genealogy, Census Tracking, and Brief descriptions of each class and registration info are given on the PGS calendar at .

 Tuesday, 26-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. DNA Interest Group. Learn how to interpret your DNA test results and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Luce/Manning. 

Register at:

 Wednesday, 27-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. Census tracking--Probably the fundamental way of using the US Federal Census is to track ancestors from one census year to the next. In that process we seek to uncover relationships and lost or heretofore unknown ancestors. This class shows a strategy on how to do that, using an actual family as an example. In addition, it also shows how to uncover hints on using resources outside of the census itself. Summers      

Register in advance for this meeting:


Largo Library News and a special request

The plan is that the library will be returning to regular hours on Monday November 1, 2021.

M-W 9-8

Th-F 10-6

Sat 10-5

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Tracking Down School Records for Genealogy

 Thanks to Lisa Louise Cooke for her helpful article "Top 10 Strategies for Finding School Records for Genealogy." It is published in her blog: Genealogy Gems.

 The article is filled with examples and photos that help make the presentation easy to follow. Lisa also includes plenty of hot links pointing to online resources.

Check it out at:

Friday, October 15, 2021

PGS Events for the Week of 18-23 October 2021

 Monday, 18-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. Skeletons in the Family Closet--Dealing with the Unexpected. We all find scandals, scalawags, and other surprises in the course of our genealogical research. This presentation discusses some of the unexpected, and sometimes unsavory, facts that may arise and ethical considerations to keep in mind when deciding how to share them. Fortin

Register in advance for this meeting:

Wednesday, 20-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. Internet Genealogy– Introduces a strategy for using the Internet in genealogy research. It presents examples of the different types of websites that can aid in research and highlights the top 3 or 4 that are “musts” on everyone’s favorites list. Bryan

Register in advance for this meeting:

Saturday, 23-Oct-21 at 10:00 AM. RootsMagic User Group--Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Summers

Register in advance for this meeting:

Woodstock, Connecticut Offers Online Index of Bradford-Marcy Cemetery Burials

 Thanks to Woodstock, Connecticut for this online list of burials in the Bradford-Marcy Cemetery. The burials date back to the early 1800's. 

The list is alphabetized and provides the cemetery name, name of the decedent, dates of birth and death, gender, veteran status, and marker information. you can browse the list or perform a search that has both basic and advanced formats.

The very first column in the list is a reference number which, when clicked takes you to more information, perhaps headstone pictures, and a grave site location map.

Check it out at:

Monday, October 11, 2021

Suncoast Genealogy Society Features James Beidler at Their Seminar on 23 October 2021

 This comes to us from our friends at Suncoast Genealogy Society:


To register online go to:

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Obituary Index for the Kankakee, Illinois Area Is Online

 Thanks to the Kankakee Valley Genealogical Society for this searchable index of obituaries from the Kankakee, Illinois Valley area. The landing page shows many resources you may wish to explore. The link to the obituary collection is found under the "Web Projects and Databases" tab.

The hit list will provide a link to an image of the subject obit.

Check it out at:

Friday, October 8, 2021

PGS Events for the Week of 11-16 October 20221

 All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at

You must pre-register for each of these events. This may be done at the time of the event or earlier. Do so by following the links given after each class description below. After registering, you will receive an email with another link to use to join the event at the specified date/time. 

PGS continues the series of classes tailored toward beginners. The second class is on 13 October described below. Further classes will be on successive Wednesdays starting at 1:00 pm. Class titles are: Introduction to Genealogy, Key Records in Genealogy Research, Internet Genealogy, Census Tracking, and 

Monday, 11-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. LOCAL AND COUNTY HISTORIES are often overlooked resources that can contain a wealth of resources on your ancestors and the places that they lived. This presentation explores the background of local and county history books; what information can be found in them; and, where to find them, both in print and online. Fortin


Register in advance for this meeting:


Wednesday, 13-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. Key Records in Genealogy Research-- This is a class aimed primarily at beginning genealogists. It identifies six records that are a must for early concentration in research. It identifies what those records are, why they are so important, and where they can be found. Summers


Register in advance for this meeting:


Saturday, 16-Oct-21 at 11:00 AM. Program Meeting. “Proving Your Pedigree: The Genealogical Standard of Proof in Action.” Rue Lynn Galbraith.


Register in advance for this meeting:

Monday, October 4, 2021

Digitized Newspapers for Concordia Parish, Louisiana Online

 The Concordia Parish (Louisiana) Library provides us with an online, searchable newspaper collection consisting of four local papers, published at various times. 

In addition to the newspapers, you will also find a collection of Freedman Bureau Records consisting of more than 1,800 pages.

Check it out at:

Friday, October 1, 2021

PGS Events for the Week of 4-9 October 2021

 All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at

You must pre-register for each of these events. This may be done at the time of the event or earlier. Do so by following the links given after each class description below. After registering, you will receive an email with another link to use to join the event at the specified date/time. 

PGS is beginning a series of six classes tailored toward beginners. The first class will be on 6 October described below. Further classes will be on successive Wednesdays starting at 1:00 pm. 

Class titles are: Introduction to Genealogy, Key Records in Genealogy Research, Internet Genealogy, Census Tracking, and Brief descriptions of each class and registration info are given on the PGS calendar at


Wednesday, 6-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. Introduction to Genealogy--Basics of how to get started in researching your family history—what to do first, where to look & how to do it. Bryan

Register in advance for this meeting:

Thursday, 7-Oct-21 at 7:00 PM. DNA Basics III ( DNA):  By looking at DNA test results through the lens of one of the most popular testing companies, class participants will be able to apply what they have learned in Basics I and II to their understanding of their own test results at  This class reviews the tools and resources available through Ancestry DNA.  While Basics I & II are recommended, they are not required prior to taking this class. Luce/Manning

Register in advance for this meeting: 

Saturday, 9-Oct-21 at 1:00 PM. DNA-Advanced Genetic Genealogy. This is a series of discussions led by David Vance, author of The Genealogist's Guide to Y-DNA Testing for Genetic Genealogy. Each month will address a different chapter in the book, starting with Chapter 5 on July 10th, 2021.  Learn how Y-DNA is helpful in your genealogy (and how it is not!), understand Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and how they can be analyzed to help solve genealogy problems; examine how to evaluate and use DNA Projects; Develop testing strategies and much, much more.  Attendees are expected to have read the monthly chapter(s) prior to the session. The book is available on, free through Kindle Unlimited, $28.60 for digital Kindle purchase or $48.94 for the print version.  Luce/Manning

Register in advance for this meeting: