Friday, September 25, 2020

PGS Events for the Week of 28 September to 3 October 2020

 All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at which also has information on using Zoom (Zoom Orientation tab).

Thursday, 1-Oct-20 at 7:00 PM. DNA Basics for Genealogy--Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database.

Join Zoom Meeting

If needed, Meeting ID: 874 4303 1296, Password: 2020

Saturday, 3-Oct-20 at 10:00 AM. Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software

Join Zoom Meeting

If needed, Meeting ID: 567 524 039, Password: 2020

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