Friday, February 1, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 3-9 February

Monday, 4-Feb-19 at 6:00 PM--RootsMagic-4:  This class explores the use of this popular genealogy software program. It consists of five classes, each 1 ½ hours long, held for five consecutive weeks. The intent is to take the student from the basics of initial entry of family information to the more detailed topics of incorporating images in your family history, citing sources, and generating various reports. The class will be most effective if all sessions are attended in order. Summers. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 5-Feb-19--6:00 PM--The Family Tree Maker 2017 Basics series of classes originally scheduled for this time had to be cancelled. HOWEVER, Maridell Hahn, who was to teach the classes, is at the Genealogy Center in the library every Monday morning and will help patrons one-on-one with Family Tree Maker questions. Also, there will be a special presentation on 12 Feb by the FTM development and marketing team at 5:30 pm at the library.
Thursday, 7-Feb-19 at 1:00 PM--Introduction to Irish Genealogy, exploring maps and records to find your ancestors in Ireland. Instructor: Padgett, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 9-Feb-19 at 1:00 PM--Y-DNA: Learn about why you might want to spend the big money and take the "Big Y" or Y-111 test. When is it worth it and what do you learn from more markers tested? What can you expect from joining a surname or locality project with What if none of the matches share your surname? Instructor: Luce, Local History Room, Largo Library.

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