Friday, March 11, 2022

PGS Events for the Week of 14-19 March 2022

 Tuesday, 15-Mar-22 at 1:00 PM. Census--Non-Population Schedules.  Most of us are familiar with the population schedules of the US Census. But there is a wealth of information about our families in other schedules that were created in certain census years. This class identifies what those other schedules are (Agricultural, Mortality, DDD, etc.), what information can be found in them, and where they can be located today. Summers

Register in advance for this meeting

Saturday, 19-Mar-22 at 11:00 AM. Anniversary 2nd Decade Event & Two-Session Lecture Series: “Dissecting Obituaries for New Clues” by George C. Morgan and "Cemetery Preservation and Restoration" by Andrew Lumish (The Good Cemetarian).

The first talk by George Morgan will be via Zoom only and begins at approximately 11:15 after our business meeting starting at 11:00. There will be a break for lunch and then the second talk begins about 1:00 pm in person and on Zoom.

“Dissecting Obituaries for New Clues.”  Obituaries are miniature biographies for the deceased.  In this talk George G. Morgan presents an excellent methodology for dissecting an obituary, determining what information is provided or inferred, identifying record types that may be available, where those records are located, and how to access them. This method will definitely expand your research!

The second topic, “Cemetery Preservation and Restoration” will begin about 1:00 pm and will be presented in person and on Zoom by Andrew Lumish. He will address the proper way to restore cemetery monuments.  He will also share how he uses genealogy to recall the lives of those buried there, especially veterans.  

Register for the Zoom presentations at

Due to possible distancing guidelines at the library, if you wish to join us in-person, we also ask that you send a message to so we can ensure adequate seating. 

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