Saturday, January 2, 2021

Free, Searchable Database of documents Related to Louisiana Slaves from 1718 to 1820

This site provides a name-searchable collection of Louisiana slaves who lived there from 1718 to 1820. The search tool provides filters based not only on name, but also physical description.

The landing page gives a detailed explanation on how to craft a search and use the results.

The following comes from the introduction of the website:
   "The Afro-Louisiana History and Genealogy online search engine was designed to provide the general public free access to valuable historic records. Users can locate individual slaves who lived in Louisiana between the years of 1718 and 1820 through this easy-to-use, free, public database. Find valuable historical data from over 100,000 descriptions of slaves found in documents in Louisiana between 1718 and 1821 by searching identifiers such as gender, racial designation, or plantation location. Users can even search the origin of the slaves brought to Louisiana in the 18th and 19th centuries to work the New World."  

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