Saturday, July 18, 2020

PGS Events for the Week of 20-25 July 2020

Saturday, 25-Jul-20 at 10:00 AM. RootsMagic User Group--Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Summers          Online class—webinar.



Saturday, 25-Jul-20 at 1;30 PM. Ancestry Family Trees--Publishing your tree on can be a great way to share your research with others, as well as to provide a backup for your work. This presentation covers how to start a family tree on, and how to maintain it. That includes working with people, events, images, and sources. Peter is presenting this for Suncoast Genealogy Society from 1:30-3:30 via GoToMeeting and all PGS folks are invited to attend. Click on:

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