Friday, December 23, 2011

Figuring out an old photo

There is really no shortage of guidance on how to figure out an old photograph, you know, identify when and where it was taken, and perhaps even who the subjects are.

But although there are many books and articles to go to for guidance, do not think it makes the job easy. That’s why I never pass up reading something more on the subject.

Susan Bankhead in her Blog Susan’s Genealogy Blog, gives us a concise ten steps to follow in decoding an old photo. It’s true that the list is a short one, and that you can read entire books on the subject, but you never know what gems you can come across in your reading. Two of the Susan’s listed steps really resonated with me: using city directories as supporting resources, and “keeping the photo in its original order or grouping.” (I’m afraid to say that I am frequently guilty of violating that last one…especially after I’ve digitized it.)

You can read the entire article at 10 Steps to Decoding a Family Photo » Susan's Genealogy Blog

By the way, our speaker at the PGS annual seminar on 11 February 2012 is going to address the topic of old photographs. Check out information about the seminar and especially about the speaker, Colleen Fitzpatrick, at

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