Sunday, October 11, 2009

Petition Drive to Support the Library of Michigan Closes

The petition drive sponsored by the Records Preservation and Access Committee resulted in nearly 7000 signatures before it closed on the 1st of October. You may recall that we gave you information in this Blog on how to add your name if you wished.

Here is a brief update on the situation with the library: The Governor of Michigan has acknowledged the value of the collections, and recent directives and executive orders (Executive Directive No. 2009-5 & Executive Order 2009-43) have taken steps toward preserving the integrity of the treasured records in the building designed to house them for generations to come, but one overwhelming issue remains. Revenues must yet be found sufficient to fund the operations of the Library of Michigan and associated activities in that facility. In other words, the storage area for historic records appears to be intact, but funding of operations is still lacking.

You can read a more detailed account of the current situation at:

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